"Cuando Gregor Samsa se despertó una mañana después de un sueño intranquilo, se encontró sobre su cama convertido en un monstruoso insecto..."

Vicky Cristina Barcelona: Cristina

“Meanwhile, Cristina began to sense the possibility of the kind of relationship she had always sought, but in the past had eluded her. She was the lover of an exciting man, an artist, whose work she believed in. She was already thinking of herself as a kind of expatriate, not smothered by what she believed to be America's puritanical and materialistic culture, which she had little patience for. She saw herself more a European soul, in tune with the thinkers and artists she felt expressed her tragic, romantic, freethinking  view of life.”

2 comentarios:

  1. Me gustó mucho esta película, además salían trocitos de mi Asturias jaja
    Un besote!

  2. Vamos a ver, vuelves después de una ausencia prolongada y ...me obligas a rescatar el inglés?

    Porque te quiero que si no.


"No olvides de silbar,
no basta soplar."

Gracias ;)